Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Supertonis90DayChallenge Update

I have not been very diligent lately. I promised at the beginning of this process complete honesty, so with that memory etched in my subconscious, I have a few confessions to make....gulp.

I had a great Valentine's Day weekend and just kind of let it go from there. When I say let it go, I really mean let it go. I ate lots of yummy chocolates, girl scout cookies, cake with the most amazing chocolate frosting, candy, potato chips, soda, and everything else that was offered. I even stopped walking for 10 days. I gained back 3 pounds when I weighed myself on Saturday. Sigh. But plugging ahead, not giving up, and just re-committing.

Why is it so hard to just have one free day, or one semi-largish piece of cake and call it good enough? I hate that I still seem to have that all or nothing mentality. Why is it so hard to commit to exercise if you make poor food choices? I am really striving to conquer this all or nothing weight-loss/ healthy lifestyle issue that has been a real problem for me for the past decade or so.

I am still participating in my 90 day challenge and am moving forward. I have been eating much better, eating less calories, and getting exercise. I am not going to beat myself up over missing 10 days of walking, I will just keep moving. My goal for this entire exercise was to develop a habit, and to prove to myself that I could learn to make exercise and eating right a habit.

I will be back in a couple of weeks with another update and I know it will be much better news . This post will have a whole slew of pictures of me walking around my little town. Doesn't that sound exciting. Now that is a post that I am excited about writing! Thanks for listening....



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